Brittany Marieee

my pagee.

About Me

Name? Brittanyy .Yes, I'm a girl.Yeah. I'm Blackk.. I have Indian in my familyy too. I'm 14 years YOUNG! 15 in Mayy. Single, but crushing big time. (: Has sandy brown hair,and brown eyes. Every fifteenth of May, I grow a year older. Know it. Music heals my soul and eases my pain. I love people's photographyy , and I procrastinate way too much. My life's absolutely complicated and complex. I sing every dayy in choir. I'm learning how to play the guitar by myself. And I couldn't go a day without playing it. Hopefully one day I'll get lessons. :] I can play the piano. No teacher needed this time. All I need is a piano or a keyboard, some music sheets, a bit of time, and I'm good. I'm a total nerd/geek. I make the worst first impressions. Usually very shy during first encounters. I'd acknowledge you with a faint smile and try to ignore you. Get to know me a little more, and you'll see how I truly am. Once you're my friend, I'll always be there for you to listen to all your problems, give you advice, wipe away your tears, comfort you, care for you, and of course love youu. I'm somewhat gullible. I'm working on changing that because people take advantage of me. I love to record stuff on my cameraa for memoriess.(: To me, Music is my life. If you would like to read one of my raps, let me know and i'll send it to you. In the summer, I usually spend my time out of the state. No, it's not for summer school, I'm Black! We are to smart for that. haha. I go there to visit my dad. But most of the time, i stayy in Saint Louis with my mom && best frandss. Basketball is love. Volleyball's cool too. And, I used to run Cross Country. I'm a bigg city girl, that lives in Saint Louis soon moving to New York City. You'll usually see me in a Tee's, Jeans, bigg tackkyy backpacks, converses, and MP3's&&Headphones. I'd DIE if I didn't have the bestfriends I have. I've got great friends who back me (well most of the time lmaoo). ..'Nuff said. Nice meeting you!
Name Brittany Mariee Safford
Gender Female
Age 16
Location St. Louis, MO
Ethnicity Black / African
Interested in Men
Status Single
TV disney, mtv, nick && bet
Quotes Live Every Day Like Your Last.

Contact Me

IM brittanysafford


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Registered Sep 10, 2009
Last update Sep 16, 2009

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HTML, Photoshop, Windows